Jennifer Eslinger, Certified Advanced Rolfer®

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Who am I? I am a caring, sensitive, compassionate, skilled, and intuitive Rolfer with a background in Psychology, and a passion for helping people.

my education

I graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado in 2004. Prior to that, I earned a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Spanish from the University of Minnesota in 2001. I completed my Advanced Certification in 2016 and have continued to further my training through continuing education, including trauma work as well as visceral manipulation. I can also incorporate an energy modality known as Sourcepoint Therapy upon request.

what I love about Rolfing® Structural Integration and why I am passionate about it

Having been a Psychology major, I genuinely enjoy helping people feel better. I love that Rolfing SI is a holistic approach to healing. It not only affects the physical body, it also impacts the mental and emotional body. There is an adage that the "issues lie in the tissues". As we uncover the core layer of tissues, healing of deeply rooted patterns can occur. I find this aspect of Rolfing SI particularly fascinating. I also love that Rolfing SI is goal-oriented. There is an end in sight and change is possible. The results of this work are long-lasting and are truly transformational. I would love to help support and facilitate your journey toward health, healing, and ease in your body.

how I found out about Rolfing Structural Integration

My story of Rolfing SI is not necessarily one of profound healing from a specific physical pain (though I did have low-back pain from years of working as a server), rather it is one of personal growth and change.
I had just graduated from college and was experiencing what you would call a 'quarter-life-crisis'. Though I loved Psychology, I wasn't sure if I was up for the years of schooling it would require to become a Psychologist. I once had the vision of doing one-on-one counseling, but the idea of negative energy being directed at me on a daily basis started to seem less and less appealing.

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At the time, my sister was receiving Rolfing SI, after reading about it in the Yoga Journal. She mentioned to me that her Rolfer™ had a one year old son and was looking for someone to babysit him. I ended up babysitting in exchange for my first three sessions. Rolfing SI helped me discover just how disconnected I was from my body, physically, mentally, as well as emotionally. As my body became more organized and balanced, so did my mind, giving me greater clarity.
I fell in love with the work immediately and proceeded to pay for the rest of the series. About midway through the ten-series, I could envision myself doing this work. I remember my Rolfer saying to me as I was considering Rolfing SI as a career, "If you want to change, get Rolfing. If you really want to change, become a Rolfer". Within a year, I uprooted myself with my fiancé (now husband) and moved to Boulder, CO to pursue the training.

I moved back to Minnesota in 2005 to be close to family and friends and to eventually start a family. My practice began in St. Paul and moved to Hopkins in 2007. I bring to my practice my gentleness, compassion, and intuition to support and facilitate each individual's unique process. Outside of Rolfing SI, I enjoy photography, mosaic art, yoga, playing the guitar, and spending time with my husband and two girls.

Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. creator of modern Rolfing, has some wonderful quotes that inspire me:

"Humans function (physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically) best when their structures are optimally organized in the field of gravity."

"One individual may experience his losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in the back, another as the unflattering contour of his body, another as constant fatigue, and yet another as an unrelenting threatening environment. (Some) may call it old age; yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structures and the structures of others that it has been ignored; they are off-balance; they are at war with gravity."

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"When the body is working properly, the force of gravity can flow through it. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself."

“Over and over again, people come to me, and they tell me, you just don’t know how strong I am. They say ‘strength’ and I want to hear ‘balance’. The strength idea has effort in it; this is not what I’m looking for. Strength that has effort in it is not what you need; you need the strength that is the result of ease.”

"I used to say that Rolfers took the safety pins out of the fascia. It's as though you have an overcoat with a safety pin holding the lining. Someone has pinned the lining to your coat, and it doesn't fit anymore. So we are trying to take some of those safety pins of restriction out of the fascial envelope. There are even places where those safety pins went through four times instead of one."

"Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others as the unflattering contour of their body, others as constant fatigue, yet others as an unrelentingly threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age. And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored: they are off balance, they are at war with gravity."

“Form and function are a unity, two sides of one coin. In order to enhance function, appropriate form must exist or be created.”

“Structural Integration is a system that induces change toward an ordered pattern. It aims to balance the myofascial relationships within the body. When the body becomes more aligned through Rolfing, the posture can become taller, straighter and free from chronic pain. A body that is more balanced and aligned with gravity, the lower its entropy and the greater its energy content. Rolfers believe that we need to look at and address the body as whole rather than separate parts.”

"The energy in a chronically flexed body has to do work just to hold it up; the man has to continuously add energy to that body to keep it going. Such chronic flexion gives a feeling of tiredness, of depression."

“Rolfing can be like making your bed in the morning. You think you're going to get by without pulling that bed apart, so you pull up this cover and the next cover. When you get all the covers puffed up, you've got nine ridges running across the bed. Now you've got to go to a deeper layer and organize the deeper layer, and make your bed on top of that. Then you've got a made bed. Well it's the same with the body: you've got to organize those deeper layers.”
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I feel better aligned in everything I do whether working on the computer or swinging a golf club.

I completed the ten series of Rolfing with Jennifer this year and in doing so realized how connected all parts of the body are. In particular, Jen’s work on my neck area affected my back, hips and overall posture. - Jan N., age 49

The work we did together has made my life much more graceful.

Thank you so much for the amazing support you have given me the last few months…the time was truly a transformational one—so many events happening in my life, with a Rolfing 10-series to boot! I was often surprised at your insight. -Samantha E., age 26

Thank You.

2 years ago to now-June is Scoliosis Awareness month and I just wanted to say Thank You. -Gretchen W., age 18

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